Announcement of the ISDE11
We are pleased to invite you to join the 11th International Symposium on Digital Earth (ISDE11), to be held on 24 - 27 September 2019 at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Florence, Italy.
This is a special event for ISDE, since the Society celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Symposia Series.
The theme of the Symposium is: “Digital Earth in a Transformed Society”.
We will have technical paper sessions, invited talks, joint sessions with Sister Organizations, an Exhibition, and panels organized around this important theme. They will be focusing on the many benefits of Digital Earth to human beings and the planet.
Submission Deadline: January 31ST, 2019
The Symposium will be a great opportunity to attract the European scientific and industrial communities working on Digital Earth technologies and applications, potentially increasing their involvement in the Digital Earth vision elaboration and realization.
Topics for submission include, but are not limited to:
- International programmes, initiatives, and treaties -e.g. UN SDGs, Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, COP21, DBAR Initiative, etc.
- Digital Transformation of the Society
- Narrow Artificial Intelligence
- Space 4.0
- Citizen Science
- Big Earth Data challenges and opportunities
- Digital Economy and Data Economy
- New generation of HPC for Digital Earth
- From Data to Knowledge
- Digital Observation of the Environment
- Mathematical models for Digital Earth
- Open Data and Open Sciences
The abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific and Programme Committee. Successful and unsuccessful submissions will be notified via email.
Submission Deadline: SEPTEMBER 30TH, 2019
You take an active part in organizing the scientific programme of the 11th International Symposium on Digital Earth (ISDE 11) by suggesting special sessions on selected topics until Sept. 15th, 2018. A Special Session should focus on a specific topic of interest but not limited to the general interdisciplinary themes identified by the ISDE11 SPC and below listed:
- Symposium session - dealing with ISDE Community.
- Great Debate session - dealing with the present and future challenges for the Digital Earth community.
- International programmes, initiatives, and treaties -e.g. UN SDGs, Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, COP21, DBAR Initiative, etc.
- Digital Transformation of the Society
- Narrow Artificial Intelligence
- Space 4.0
- Citizen Science
- Big Earth Data challenges and opportunities
- Digital Economy and Data Economy
- New generation of HPC for Digital Earth
- From Data to Knowledge
- Digital Observation of the Environment
- Mathematical models for Digital Earth
- Open Data and Open Sciences
The ISDE 11 Symposium offers an outstanding opportunity for exhibitors and sponsors to maximize their visibility within a very large scientific and industrial community working on Digital Earth technologies and applications, potentially increasing their involvement in the Digital Earth vision elaboration and realization.
We welcome sponsorship applications from all organisations with an interest in advancing excellence in this field.
Visit the website! Become a Sponsor!
Please click here to download the ISDE 11 Sponsorship Prospectus.
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